Sunday, December 15, 2019

Giant City State Park Riding Stables

Giant City State Park Riding Stables

     I had never gone horseback riding before. I’m 47 years old and probably only been on a horse 3 times in my life. Two of those times I’m assuming happened when I was a child, although I cannot remember it. The other time happened as an adult when I was helping a friend round up some horses that had escaped. He needed me to get on the horse and chase the other horses. I climbed on board and told the horse to “Go”. He or she did not understand English apparently and did not move. I said “Go”. The beast still did not move. I utterly refused to say “getty up” or click my lips at the large critter. Needless to say, my first horse experience ended in laughter; at me, not with me.

      I have driven past the Giant City Stables many times on my way to hike trails in the Giant City State Park, and had always been curious about them. I told myself that I was going to go there and ride a horse one day.  So, after hiking the Cove Hollow Trail, which is a part of the Cedar Lake Trail System I decided to do it.

     I called the stables to make a reservation. They need to know in advance that you are coming and they have set times when the horses are taken out for a trail ride. I gave the lady who answered the phone my information. She was very nice and helpful. Then, she asked for a credit or debit card number. I’m more of a Stone Age type of guy and don’t have those fancy doo dads. I still have my flip phone, and love it. Chicks dig the flip phone.

     Anyway, I told her that I don’t have a credit card. “Do you not take cash?” I asked. She said “We take cash, but we cannot guarantee your spot.”  I told her that was fine.  I’m used to that sort of thing because of my weird lifestyle, and I’m happy with it. She took my reservation and we hung up, after she told me about what time the ride would begin, and that I needed to get there at least 15 minutes early to watch a short video on how to ride a horse. I didn’t tell her that I might need a little more than a short video.

     While I waited I decide to check out the awesome Farmer’s Market in the Murdale Shopping Center parking lot, on the west side of Carbondale. It is the biggest and nicest Farmers Market, that I have seen in the Southern Illinois area. If I find another, I will eat those words. I honestly wish we had more of these and we need them. More and more communities are realizing this and they are springing up everywhere. Now, if I can just get them to realize that adding a flea market aspect to the farmers markets, would bring in more customers, and more people who desperately need to be exposed to healthier living. But, often times the Farmers Markets and Crafts Fairs want to maintain a purity of some kind. I get it. But, there are higher ideals at stake sometimes, and I’m sure with the proper rules, any problems could be resolved.

     After the market, I drove out the stables and was very excited. I have not been this excited in some time actually. It was a beautiful day, and I was all smiles. I filled out a form that explained the legality of everything, and protected the Stables from blame should anything occur. Then, I watched the video of controlling the horse. It was fairly simple according to the video, but I still had visions of being dragged through the woods, by one foot, as my horse stampeded through the brush.

      I was given the option of wearing a crash helmet or not. I chose to wear one; it might help me to survive the stampeding beast. Honestly I don’t trust anyone, and I certainly do not trust animals. Deep inside, these beautiful creatures are still wild animals. That is true for all beings. I know, I know, all the animal people will hate that I said that. But, I grew up around animals, and things can happen. It’s a fact. Course, I was one of the only ones in my group who wore a helmet. So yeah, I’m a goof.  But a safe goof.

     The wranglers who were to lead our group on the trail ride were finishing up helping kids ride, and doing therapeutic rides for people with special needs. I think this is awesome and I hope it continues.

      When it was our turn to go on the ride, we were taken to a large corral inside the barn to meet our horses. Our group had about 6 people, plus two wranglers who were in front and back of the group. I was going to be riding a large draft mule, named Ruth. She was a sweety. At least that’s what I kept whispering into her ear so she would not drag me to my death through the forest.

      I was last in the line of riders, as we headed down the trail into the woods of Giant City State Park. As stated before, there was a wrangler in front, and one just behind me, so the ride was very controlled and safe. As a matter of fact the wrangler behind me was a very cute college student, so I felt even safer. I struck up a conversation with her, as we rode. No, I’m not a creeper.  I’m friendly.

     I did not get dragged to my death. The ride was wonderful. Often we get thoughts in our heads, but the reality is rarely what we think. Each ride takes about an hour and costs $45.00 per person with a discount if you bring 6 or more in your party. I felt that I got my money’s worth. I learned more about horses, and mules, and spent more time relaxing in nature.

      I will definitely go back to ride again. It would be a great place to take kids, a youth group or a date. Also, remember that the Stables have therapeutic rides available. This is a fabulous thing that could help many. Call and ask about it.

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